EM•1® Case Study: Peppers

TeraGanix and a farm in Southern Arizona researched yield and organic matter content in Jalapenos. EM•1® was applied to Jalapeno "Dulce" transplanted into winter ryegrass cover crop. 40 gallons per acre was applied throughout the growing season along with 16-8-4 fertilizer. No herbicides or pesticides were used in this trial.

For most field crops, we recommend 60 gallons of EM•1® per acre per year spread over applications throughout the year, generally at each irrigation.

40 Gallons/acre/year in the Soil
20 Gallons/acre/year as a Foliar

Foliar spray should be applied in the morning or evenings. Conventional farmers can use EM•1® with most of their programs. Do not mix synthetic chemicals with the microbes in concentrated, non-diluted, form. Many pesticides, such as Round-Up are antibiotic in nature and kill all the microbes within seconds of mixing. Therefore, if pesticides are tParagrapho be used, please wait at least 48 hours between applications of pesticide and EM•1®.

Worldwide, chilie peppers (capsicum annum L) represent a huge market for several crop-producing areas in the desert Southwest (New Mexico, Arizona, Texas, and northern Mexico). In the United States, over 24,000 acres of chilies are produced and equate to over $120 million in production value (E. Babcock and Silvertooth 2010).

In the desert southwest of Arizona, New Mexico, and California chili peppers are grown for both fresh vegetables and dried for a multitude of culinary products such as chili powder and paprika as well as seed for future production. As of the latest Agricultural census (NASS 2007), New Mexico is the leading state in chili production with 15,567 acres followed by Arizona with 5,510 acres.

Ag1000 is made up of three types of microorganisms; lactic acid bacteria, photosynthetic bacteria, and yeast. In Ag1000 treated soils, polysaccharides and other beneficial organic acids and enzymes in the soil help build stable aggregate and soil structure. Soils are then able to absorb and retain ,moisture as well as cycle nutrients more productively. Nutrients are held in the upper layers of the soil and are held there by the soil cation exchange capacity (CEC). The CEC increases as aggregate formation matures because the aggregate are providing the surface area for the nutrients to adsorb. Ag1000 efficiently breaks down organic ,matter into stable humus, a key component to aggregate formation, by reducing oxidative forces that primarily rob the soil of Carbon and Nitrogen in the form of methane and ammonia gases (teraganix.com). Once you have healthier soils, healthier crops follow quickly. Microbes help in the breakdown of nutrients to plant usable forms, making plant uptake of nutrients quicker and more effective.

The case study was one to test the application of Ag1000 through the 2011-2012 growing seasons; two fields were tested (one with Ag1000, one without). The fields were planted with Jalapeno Chile Peppers in 2011, followed by Wheat and Rye. Soil nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, zinc, boron, and organic matter were tested both pre-planting and after harvest to compare concentrations. Five leaf analyses were also done throughout the season to test nutrient uptake by the plant. Irrigation and application of other inputs such as fertilizer, pesticides, herbicides, and compost were done based on the growser standards. Yield between the treated and non-treated were also compared.

Below the sodium (esp %) is compared for the full Ag1000 trial, Years 2010 - 2012. Overall during the entire trial a decrease in sodium was observed in both fields, but more so in the Ag1000 field, with the lowest being 4.4%. Organic ,atter is also compare showing the Ag1000 being consistently higher than the control field and steadily increasing each year compared to no change in block 1.