Improving Life using Effective Microorganisms®
Improving Life using Effective Microorganisms®
Have you pulled up a root vegetable only to be disappointed with the size and quality?
Root vegetables are wonderful to grow but they need well-drained, deep, loose soil where their roots can easily expand. That's why root crops generally grow well in sandy loam and peat soils and they tend to struggle in clay soils.
But don't worry, here is our easy fix that will have you enjoying tasty big carrots this season, no matter what soil type you are growing in.
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Have you pulled up a root vegetable only to be disappointed with the size and quality?
Root vegetables are wonderful to grow but they need well-drained, deep, loose soil where their roots can easily expand. That's why root crops generally grow well in sandy loam and peat soils and they tend to struggle in clay soils.
But don't worry, here is our easy fix that will have you enjoying tasty big carrots this season, no matter what soil type you are growing in.
How To Prevent Poor Growth and Deformities in Carrots With EM-1 Microbial Inoculant
A higher quality and quantity of carrots
Carrots to be bigger in size and weight
Roots to be heavy and free from disease
Sweeter, tastier carrots from a higher brix content
What is EM-1® Microbial Inoculant?
EM-1® is a combination of the best microbes that live in the soil that are essential for soil and plant health. It is a combination of yeasts, actinomycetes and two kinds of bacteria, photosynthetic and LAB (lactic acid bacteria), that improves soil and plant health, stronger root development and improves the quality and size of your vegetables.
Naturally loosen compact soil
Help with organic matter breakdown and assist in creating nutrient rich soil,
Improve nutrient absorption,
Increase resistance to disease and pests
Increase plant quality, size and yield.
EM-1® was developed by Prof. Dr Tuero Higa in the early 80's at the university of Ryukyu, in Okinawa Japan.
Tips for Growing Carrots with EM-1 Microbial Inoculant
Clear the soil of any large objects such as rocks or bark.
Avoid planting in clay or compact soil. Carrots grow best in loose soil with lots of organic amendments like compost and EM-1®
Plant your carrots in rows that are 1 to 2 feet apart.
When the plants are 4 inches high, thin the plants to 2 inches apart. This will allow room for the roots to develop.
Plant in either full sun or part shade.
Keep your carrots free of weeds. Weeds will absorb the nutrients the carrots need for healthy growth.
Water weekly with a solution of EM-1 and water. 3 tablespoons to 1 gallon of water. This will encourage large root development and help protect against common diseases.
With regular use of EM-1 there is no need to rotate your carrot plants into different areas of the garden. The healthy microbes, minerals and nutrients all work together to keep the soil in optimal condition.
EM-1 Microbial Inoculant is 100% organic.
Active Ingredients:
Microorganisms: 1 Million Colony Forming Units/cc (units/ml): Lactobacillus casei
Inactive Ingredients:
Water, organic molasses
Yes, EM-1 is made in the USA
"This stuff is like magic for soil and plants.
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Home-grown carrots are fresher and tastier than anything you'll find in the supermarkets, which is why growing carrots is one of the most common vegetables grown in the home garden.
Firstly, what causes deformities in carrots?
Deformed carrots can be caused by a variety of problems and may be forked, bumpy, or otherwise misshapen. These carrots are usually edible, although the core may become woody and slightly bitter. When you find carrots forked and deformed, it may be cultural, insect, or even disease related.
Clear the soil of any large objects such as rocks or bark.
Avoid planting in clay or compact soil. Carrots grow best in loose soil with lots of organic amendments like compost and EM-1®
Plant your carrots in rows that are 1 to 2 feet apart.
When the plants are 4 inches high, thin the plants to 2 inches apart. This will allow room for the roots to develop.
Plant in either full sun or part shade.
Keep your carrots free of weeds. Weeds will absorb the nutrients the carrots need for healthy growth.
Water weekly with a solution of EM-1 and water. 3 tablespoons to 1 gallon of water. This will encourage large root development and help protect against common pests and root problems.
With regular use of EM-1 there is no need to rotate your carrot plants into different areas of the garden. The healthy microbes, minerals and nutrients all work together to keep the soil in optimal condition.
Application: Add 6 oz of EM-1 per gallon of water.
EM-1® is safe to use, 100% organic and OMRI listed.
EM-1® is short for Effective Microorganisms. EMRO, the company and technology behind Effective Microorganisms®, has been the leader in plant friendly probiotics and fermentation since the 1960's. EM・1 is the original and authentic Effective Microorganisms® formulated by world renowned scientist Prof. Dr. Teruo Higa.
Dr Higa's Effective Microorganisms has been validated through scientific literature and field trials. It is 100% organic, odor free and safe for humans, animals and the environment.
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Made without any GMO ingredients. OMRI listed.
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