Grow Your Own Delicious Sprouts!
Do you love sprouts on your sandwiches, on salads, or just by themselves? Sprouts and other microgreens are jam-packed with vitamins, minerals and beneficial compounds such as enzymes. They're a great addition to any healthy lifestyle and contain a significant amount of protein and fiber.
The downside...store bought sprouts are one of the highest sources for food-borne pathogens and often get recalled.
By growing your own you can ensure there are no chemical inputs, and when growing with EM-1® you'll make them with a probiotic boost.

What You Need
Large, Wide Mouth Canning Jar
Plastic Crafting Screen or Cheesecloth with an elastic
* Cheesecloth works best for tiny sprout seeds
Seeds. Alfalfa, broccoli, radish, lentils all work well and many seed companies have mixtures specifically for sprouts.
EM-1® Microbial Inoculant
How to Set Up and Grow
(1) Fill the bottom of your jar with enough seeds to cover the bottom in ONE layer.
(2) Cut plastic screen to fit inside the outer lid. If using tiny seeds, you'll need two so you can offset them to make holes smaller. Or cut cheesecloth to fit over the entire opening.
(3) Add a small amount of EM-1® Microbial Inoculant and enough water to completely cover the seeds.
*Note: It's hard to measure how much EM-1® with so little water. I used 1/4 tsp.
(4) Let the seeds soak for 12hrs in this solution
(5) Drain the water through the screen or cheesecloth after 12 hrs and leave the jar tilted upside down in a bowl. This is how your jar will stay.
*Note: Try and rinse and swirl seeds enough to get most settled to the screen/cheesecloth.

(6) Twice a day rinse, swirl, and drain your seeds with water. Do not let them sit in the water. Set your jar back in the bowl upside down.
(7) Make a solution of EM-1® and water and spritz your sprouts after draining the water.
(8) By day 2 you should be noticing small roots and seedlings growing. By day 3-5 your jar will be completely full of sprouts.
(9) Set your jar in a sunny area to finish growing to the preferred stage. After, sprouts can be stored in the fridge for up to 5 days.

Enjoy Your Sprouts, Then Grow Some More!
Once your sprouts are ready to eat, start growing some more. Better yet, get the kids involved. Many find the sweet flavor of alfalfa sprouts enjoyable.
Branch out and find spicy varieties as well. Sprouts are not limited to the common alfalfa variety.